Saturday, August 23, 2014

Summer in Yellowstone - The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone

Other posts in this series:
Summer In Yellowstone - Getting There
Summer in Yellowstone - Sunday Morning
Summer in Yellowstone - Sunday afternoon & Canyons lodging
Summer in Yellowstone - Mammoth Hot Springs and the Lamar Valley
Summer in Yellowstone - The Grand Canyon of Yellowstone
Summer in Yellowstone - The Last Days

We'd waited until our last full day in the park to visit its second-most famous attraction, the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, because we wanted to be sure we had a sunny day.  We were so glad the weather report turned out to be right because even though it was still a bit cool, it was beautifully sunny.

The canyon ranges from 800-1200 feet deep and 1500-4000 feet wide.  It has two sections of falls, cleverly named the Upper Falls and Lower Falls.  We took a ranger-led tour along one side and visited the other side ourselves.  We hiked 600m down from the parking lot to get to the top of the Upper Falls.  These falls drop 309 feet - twice the height of Niagara.  It's the largest volume waterfall in the Rockies.  It was gorgeous standing beside the top of the falls and then we turned to make the trip back up.  While walking down we new it was steep but wow, was it a difficult walk back up.  We were glad they had rest benches for old folks flatlanders like us!

The views of the falls and the canyon itself are just spectacular so I'll let the photos do the talking.
Upper Falls in the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone
Just below the Upper Falls

Further Down The Canyon

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