Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Busy Afternoon in Rome

This afternoon we toured the Vatican, including the Sistene Chapel and St. Peter's Cathedral. I wasn't sure how much I'd enjoy this tour but it was fascinating. We spent at least 4 hours on the tour and it still felt like we raced through. Hopefully I'll be able to post some more about it tomorrow - when my eyelids are no longer fighting to stay open!

Buon Giorno!

Made it to Rome safely - and early! Got through Customs easily and am now waiting for the rest of the group. Woo hoo!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Phase One Complete!

Amazing. My flight left on time and arrived early in Atlanta and I've made it through lunch already! An hour from now I should be on the plane, waiting to push back from the gate on the way to Rome! Woo hoo!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Welcome to the neighborhood

I'm hoping this will be a way I can keep y'all updated on my trips as well as a place to post thoughts about whatever I decide.

First up is our big Europe cruise that I'm taking with the ski club. Also coming are a couple of my buddies I met through the Remington Steele fandom. You can check out our itinerary here.

We leave on Monday and are VERY excited!

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